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Band Camp - We Survived!

Updated: Sep 22, 2018

2018 Band Camp Week 1

Students attentively listening to Jackie Wren

It's been another successful start to a new year. Monday started with freshman only. They learned some basic marching moves and did some rigorous conditioning. Do you know how to Duck Walk or do the Russian Twist? There were quite a few sore muscles this week. Tuesday welcomed back the rest of the band. It was great to see familiar faces. Hopefully everyone had a nice restorative break and are ready to face the challenges of Fall Season.

REU Student Leadership

The RHSEU Student Leadership is comprised of a whopping 21 students this year! These are students selected to be section Captains, Co-Captains, and Leaders. This year they're led by three drum majors; Head Drum Major Adriana Vree and her two Assistant Drum Majors Leda Brockman and Marissa Grimes. From July 6 - 8 these 21 students were taken to Leadership Camp in Southern California to learn skills and habits of successful leaders. The Boosters funded half the cost of each student's fee! They picked up skills, had fun, bonded and came back motivated for Band Camp.

Our parent volunteers are off to a great start. We've had return parents and new parents come help serve lunches during camp. Thank you all! Uniform fittings also happened this week. There's a change of guard from super mom Ann Gravink who after 6 years has retired - well deserved! - handing the baton off to, sophomore mom, Janice Jones who is taking the bull by the horns. Most people aren't aware how difficult fittings can be. We have been using the same uniforms for over a decade! Uniforms are EXPENSIVE. If you'd like to donate to our ongoing Uniform Fundraiser click here (or for you can make checks to Rodriguez Music Boosters with Uniform Fund in the memo). Our uniforms come in a wide range of sizes but so do our students. First fittings are always given to seniors, followed by juniors, sophomores, and freshman. It's first come first serve. Sadly this means freshman (or even upper-classmen who miss their appointments) may not have the best fitting uniform. Trust us though that once they're all out on the field or marching down the street the Unit looks AWESOME as a whole. So please be gentle with your critiques of our well-loved uniforms and our hard working volunteers.

Band Camp Week 2

Marissa Grimes, Leda Brockman, Scott Miller, Jackie Wren, Adriana Vree

We upped the ante with TEN HOUR days and a special theme for each day. Monday was Twin Day. The students were encouraged to find a twin, or two, or three, and dress identically. Check out our fearless leaders twinning! Great leaders know how to connect. Tuesday was Disney Day. Show your Disney Love by wearing Disney merch. Did you know RHSEU goes to Disneyland every other year for the chance to participate in some awesome workshops and to perform down Main Street U.S.A.? Start saving up because this trip is not covered by Fair Share and is first come first serve. Next Disney Trip is Spring Break 2020.

Wednesday was the RHS Freshmen Orientation. It's a tradition that PTSO provides the food and RHSEU cooks and serves. Thanks to all the parents and students who helped create a warm welcome for the Freshmen class!

Thursday was RHSEU Parent Night. RHSEU slings the burgers and parents potluck sides, salads, desserts, and drinks. It's an informative night chock full of info for the season and a chance to meet the faces behind the machine. Then after business we get to watch the students out on the field. Drill Down is always a favorite activity that test their skills to follow commands. On the honor system each students falls out if they make a mistake leaving a lone Champion to bask in the respect of his/her peers. Second Round of Drill Down the Alumnae get a chance to prove they still got it! The night is complete with a performance of what the band has learned to date of their field show. They may be rusty now but remember this day and you'll be amazed at the end of Fall Season.

Senior Lindsey McLaughlin and Scott Miller

Friday ended the week with Super Hero Day. I think this picture says it all...

Stay tuned for more RHSEU Blogs!

--Article Contributor - RHSEU Volunteer--

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