Leadership Camp
2019 - 2020
Leadership Camp
Fee = $160.00*
*PayPal 3.25% processing fee will be added as "Tax" to the Purchase Total.
For the past several years, Band Director Scott Miller has been taking select groups of student leaders to the California Leadership Academy to be trained and prepared for the upcoming marching band season.
The classes allow students to have hands-on and mind-engaging activities, testing their abilities to figure out problems by creating viable solutions. These activities also set up opportunities to practice leadership in a room full of other leaders. The sessions consist of team building games that have deep leadership meanings about the inner workings of a marching band.
They allow chances to practice teaching marching basics, by first being taught and then becoming the instructor themselves. The lessons reach a personal level by expressing real life situations to explain how the choices we make affect our present and future lives.
Students leave ready to take on the next marching band season with the hope of making the upcoming season's experience even better than last for everyone involved!