Drum Major

A Drum Major stands at the vanguard of a marching band, embodying leadership, and discipline. Their responsibility is to maintain structure and organization amongst the unit on a routine basis as well as in competition. In a parade one performs and executes a choreographed mace routine to guide the ensemble down the street in formation, spirit, and musicianship. They inspire, channeling the passion of every musician into a unified performance but also in leadership. In the heat of performance, amidst the roaring crowd and intense pressure, the Drum Major remains the unwavering beacon of calm and focus using their presence and hands to conduct the show. Their dedication is a testament to the profound responsibility they shoulder: to lead, to uplift, and to set the gold standard for excellence in every performance.
The Parade Drum Major is awarded based on marching & maneuvering, flourishing composition, flourishing achievement, and general effect.
The Field Conducting Drum Majors are awarded based on conducting fundamentals, conducting leadership, and showmanship.

An L Pattern is a sequence of routines that demonstrate artistic and technical skills that allow solo Drum Majors to showcase their abilities in mace performance. Drum Majors may participate using music that is traditional such as a parade march or develop a performance that incorporates the disciplines of a Drum Major with a song of their choosing. Their responsibility is to learn, execute, and choreograph a mace routine that exudes technical skill, musicianship, and leadership while competing independently on an "L" shaped path.
A Solo Drum Major competing in L Pattern is awarded based on marching & maneuvering, flourishing composition, flourishing achievement, and general effect.
Field Conducting
A Solo Drum Major competing in Field Conducting is tasked to guide an ensemble's performance with their leadership, musical presence, and field conducting abilities. Drum Majors select one movement of field show music of their liking. This is to modulate a Drum Major's performance in a full field show.
A Solo Field Conducting Drum Major is awarded based on conducting fundamentals, conducting leadership, and showmanship.